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How to Install Wikibase

Wikibase installation routes

There are 3 routes to creating your own instance of Wikibase:

  • Cloud hosting: The easiest route is not to host the instance yourself, but use an instance via the free service provided by Wikimedia Germany –, this process requires a free account on the platform a few clicks to get you started. Intanceas on the cloud are great for testing ideas and seeing if Wikibase is right for you. However they come with multiple caveats. There are very few custom extensions included in the default installation and users cannot install extensions themselves. There are occasional performance issues in the query and search services, due to ongoing scaling issues with the platform. Additional tools for data upload, visualisation or presentation and not included.

  • Official Docker Distribution: You can also install the official Wikibase Suite deployment pipeline maintained by Wikimedia Germany. They provide instructions how to do so here: However this version of the suite is a generic one and does not take into account specific needs of research communities.

  • Wikibase4Research: Wikibase4Research is the Wikibase Suite deployment pipeline recommended by the KGI service. It is developed and maintained in the context of NFDI4Culture. It uses the official Docker distribution from Wikimedia Germany, but bundles it with a whole range of additional extensions and services, such as the RDF, EDTF and Local Media extensions, the OpenRefine reconciliation service, and the Semantic MediaWiki frontend. Everything is customisable, so you can choose which of all the options are useful for your project or not. You can receive additional support and consultation during the monthly consulting hour of the KGI service.

Installing Wikibase4Research

Wikibase4Research is a configurable Docker pipeline for setting up MediaWiki, SemanticMediaWiki, Wikibase, or SemanticWikibase with selected extensions in minutes. It includes a script to manage Docker Compose deployments using predefined presets, simplifying setup, teardown, and management of various configurations.


The main script,, simplifies the deployment and configuration of Docker services using preset folders containing necessary configuration files. This script supports actions such as setup, removal, and running any Docker Compose command.

System Configuration

To access your wiki via a local address (e.g., http://wb.local) instead of an IP, add these addresses to your hosts file (e.g., /etc/hosts on Linux):

Terminal window wb.local openrefine.local wdqs-frontend.local

If you change the server name variable of your wiki in the .env file, you may need to update your hosts file accordingly.


Terminal window


  • PRESET_FOLDER: The folder containing your preset configuration files.
  • ACTION: The action to perform (setup, remove, or any Docker Compose command).


  • -p, --project-name NAME: Specify the Docker Compose project name. If not provided, a default name based on PRESET_FOLDER will be used.
  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.


  • setup: Build and start containers using the specified preset. use up --build instead of setup to see full console output
  • update: Update your wiki without deleting volumes. Use this to install new extensions on an existing installation.
  • remove: Stop and remove containers using the specified preset.
  • exportdump: export a xml dump file of the wiki content (will not include files and user accounts)
  • importdump: import a xml dump file, this may take long time. Use mysqldump for faster import/export
  • mysqldump: dump the whole wiki database into a sql file (will not include image files, these are mounted in folder wb_resources)
  • importmysqldump: fast sql import of the database (this will overwrite all data in your wiki db including accounts/passwords)
  • munge: This will refresh all data of the WDQS by generating an RDF dump of wikibase and import it in WDQS
  • command: can be used to execute shell commands in the wikibase container (quick ref for longer docker exec command)
  • checkuptime: can be used to to monitor the health of the servers, and send a mail if somethings wrong
  • any: Any Docker Compose command (e.g., up, down, logs, etc.).


Terminal window
./ wikiPresets/myPreset setup
./ wikiPresets/myPreset setup -p specificProjectName
./ wikiPresets/myPreset remove
./ wikiPresets/myPreset logs
./ wikiPresets/myPreset mysqldump
./ wikiPresets/myPreset importmysqldump
./ wikiPresets/myPreset munge
./ wikiPresets/myPreset command "php maintenance/runJobs.php"


You can define your own URLs for each service in the .env file.

Note that if you change the server name variable of your wiki in the .env file, you may need to update your hosts file accordingly.

This will be the default URL for each service:

ServiceDefault URLConfiguration FileHosts File Entry
Wikihttp://wb.localW4R_SERVER_NAME in .env.template127.0.0.1 wb.local
Reverse Proxy (Monitoring)http://localhost:8091/W4R_TRAEFIK_WEBCONFIG_PORT in .envN/A
OpenRefinehttp://openrefine.localW4R_OPENREFINE_SERVER_NAME in .env.template127.0.0.1 openrefine.local
WDQS Frontendhttp://wdqs-frontend.localW4R_WDQS_FRONTEND_SERVER_NAME in .env.template127.0.0.1 wdqs-frontend.local

Predefined Presets

PresetDescriptionExtensions InstalledAdditional Services
mediawiki_plainA pure MediaWiki installation with no additional extensions other than the Tweeki skin.Tweeki (bootstrap) skin
semanticMediawiki_plainA SemanticMediaWiki (SMW) installation for setting up a functional semantic wiki with extended functionality.SemanticResultFormats, Maps, PageForms, Arrays, Variables, Loops, ParserFunctions, Tweeki (bootstrap) skin
wikibase_plainAn empty Wikibase installation.ConfirmAccount, WikibaseRDF, WikibaseEdtf (extended datetime format), WikibaseLocalMedia, WikibaseManifest, Babel, EntitySchema, OAuth, Tweeki (bootstrap) skinElasticsearch, OpenRefine, Wikibase jobrunner, WDQS (Wikidata query service)
wikibase_nfdi4cultureBased on wikibase_plain, it uses a custom init Python script to initialize Wikibase with a specific data model.Inherits extensions from wikibase_plainInherits services from wikibase_plain
semanticWikibase_plainA combined installation of Wikibase and SemanticMediaWiki within one wiki, using SemanticWikibase extension for interaction.SemanticMediawiki (SMW), SemanticResultFormats, Maps, PageForms, Arrays, Variables, Loops, ParserFunctions, WikibaseEdtf (extended datetime format), WikibaseLocalMedia, WikibaseManifest, Babel, EntitySchema, OAuth, SemanticWikibase, Tweeki (bootstrap) skinElasticsearch, OpenRefine, Wikibase jobrunner, WDQS (Wikidata query service)


All configuration files are project-specific, located under wikiPresets/presetName/config/.

Project Settings (Environment Variables)

W4R_MW_VERSIONMediaWiki version to be installed.
W4R_MW_WIKI_NAMEName of the Wiki (will appear as page title).
W4R_MW_ADMIN_USERName of the wiki admin user.
W4R_MW_ADMIN_PASSPassword of the wiki admin user.
W4R_MW_ADMIN_EMAILEmail address of the wiki admin user.
W4R_MW_EMERGENCY_CONTACTEmergency email address to be set in the wiki config.
W4R_MW_WG_SECRET_KEYSecret key, needed for manually upgrading a running MediaWiki.
W4R_DB_SERVERHost and port of the database.
W4R_DB_USERName of the database user for the wiki.
W4R_DB_PASSPassword of the database user.
W4R_DB_NAMEName of the new database for the wiki.
W4R_SERVER_NAMEURL under which your wiki will be available.
W4R_FULL_SERVER_NAMEServer URL including used protocol (default: http://).
W4R_INIT_FOLDERPath to the wikiPreset Folder.
W4R_CUSTOM_INIT_PYTHON_SCRIPTPath to a custom Python script to run on wiki setup.
W4R_COMPOSER_SERVICE_INCLUDEList of Docker services to start.
W4R_OPENREFINE_VERSIONVersion of OpenRefine to install.
W4R_OPENREFINE_SERVER_NAMEAddress under which OpenRefine should be available.
W4R_WDQS_FRONTEND_SERVER_NAMEAddress of the WDQS frontend.
W4R_REVERSEPROXY_PORTInternal port of the proxy.
W4R_TRAEFIK_WEBCONFIG_PORTPort of the web frontend.

Extension Management

Extensions are listed and activated in wikiPresets/yourProject/config/extensionManagement.json.



  • Activate or deactivate specific configuration files in config/LocalSettings.d.

“extension/composer” (same for skins/composer)

  • Extensions that need to be installed via composer.
  • Fields: path, version, maintenance_scripts, active

“extension/git” (same for skins/git)

  • Extensions that need to be installed via git.
  • Fields: path, version, maintenance_scripts, custom_folder, active


The LocalSettings.php is built on setup. Config files in config/LocalSettings.d marked as ‘active’ in extensionManagement.json are included in alphabetical order.

Composer Settings

The file wikiPresets/yourProject/config/composer.local.json handles extension dependencies. Include extensions to resolve dependencies automatically. If you add a new extension via git an run into an error about incompatible version, add your extensions composer.json to composer.local.json to allow composer handle the dependencies. then update your wiki using

Import Content

There are several ways to automatically import data and resources to your wiki project:

Custom Init Python Script

The file config/scripts/ runs after each setup process. The control service must be active in the .env file.

Default Import Folders

The content in these folders is imported automatically after each setup process

  • fonts: Custom fonts or resources, accessible via http://wb.local/resources/.
  • images/import: Images imported via the MediaWiki maintenance script.
  • images/copy: Images available at http://wb.local/images/.
  • pages: Wikipage dumps to import.

XML dump import

use ./<project path> importdump to import an existing file named dump.xml from your project folder. XML dumps take far more time than sql dumps. Consider using mysqldump if your wikibase contains more than a few hundred entries.

SQL dump import

use ./<project path> importmysqldump to import an existing databse sql dump. The sql dump is very fast but will overwrite all your db settings like user accounts and passwords. It contains all db entries of uploaded media files but not the files itself. you need to copy the folder <your project path>/wb_resources/images/ manually to import the images.


You need to have prefixes.conf in your config folder. You should change the URLs in prefixes.conf to match your wiki.


You need to have openrefine-manifest.json in your config folder. You should change the URLs in openrefine-manifest.json to match your wiki.


Submit a pull request or open an issue for custom presets or improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Howto: Setup a Custom Wiki Project

This process is the current best practise to setup custom projects. It ensures, that your individual project content is handled in a seperate repository and that your working projects are in a seperate folder than the predefined wiki presets.

  1. Clone the project:

    Terminal window
    git clone
  2. Create a project folder : we suggest to use folder wikiPROJECTS instead of wikiPRESETS for your custom content

    Terminal window
    cd wikibase4research
    mkdir -p wikiProjects/myProject
  3. Init a git repo for your project:

    Terminal window
    git init wikiProjects/myProject
  4. Copy a matching preset:

    Terminal window
    cp -r wikiPresets/wikibase_plain/* wikiProjects/myProject

    Here we use wikibase_plain as an example. You can use any preset that matches your needs.

  5. Customize your project:

    • copy ../config/.env.template to ../config/.env
    • (important!) make sure to change W4R_INIT_FOLDER in .env file to your project folder
    • change custom configurations in .env like wiki name, passwords etc.
    • (optional) change extensions in ../config/extensionManagement.json and ../config/composer.local.json. Create or change corresponding config files in folder ../config/Localsettings.d
    • (optional) Add custom fonts to ../fonts.
    • (optional) Add images to ../images/import.
    • (optional) Add images to ../images/copy.
    • (optional) Add wikipage dumps to ../pages.
    • (optional) Create custom scripts in ../scripts.
  6. Commit your changes:

    Terminal window
    cd wikiProjects/myProject
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  7. Create a remote repo and push your changes:

    Terminal window
    git remote add origin
    git push -u origin master
  8. Now start the project:

    Terminal window
    ./ wikiProjects/myProject setup

    Open your browser with url http://wb.local (make sure that you have set wb.local in your hosts file, as described above)


  1. Have a look at our solved error issues if any match your case:
  2. Report your error to get help